Catienza, Haidee

Demographic profile, problems encountered and adaptation measures of selected poultry raisers in upland Cavite towards climate change / by Haidee Catienza, Mary Joy Patricia B. Dimapilis and Caryl Joy M. Sumagang. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2017. - xiv, 91 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Thesis (Bachelor of Science in Psychology) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Arts and Science (CAS) College of Arts and Science (CAS)

CATIENZA, HAIDEE, DIMAPILIS, MARY JOY PATRICIA B. and SUMAGANG, CARYL JOY M. Demographic Profile, Problems Encountered and Adaptation Measures of Selected Poultry Raisers In Upland Cavite Towards Climate Change. Undergraduate Thesis. Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. May 2017. Adviser: Ms. Mary Joyce B. Eyaya, RPm.
The study generally aims to assess the problems encountered and the adaptation measures of poultry raisers in Upland Cavite towards climate change. It also assesses the relationship among the variables specifically: First, the relationship between the demographic profile and the problems encounter by the poultry raisers in upland Cavite. Second, the relationship between the demographic profile and the adaptation measures of poultry raisers in upland Cavite. Lastly, the relationship between the problems encountered and adaptation measures of poultry raisers in upland Cavite.
The researchers used the descriptive-correlational type of research design to explain, attain and correlate the result. This research design is the combination of two types, where descriptive design means determining, describing and/or identifying what is the problem/phenomenon through a process of data collection. While correlational research design is determining the relationship between two or more variables. The descriptive determined the necessary information that described profile, problems encountered and adaptation measures or poultry raisers Towards climate change. It is correlational because it will determine the relationship among
the demographic profile, problems encountered and adaptation measure of the poultry raisers from the municipalities of Upland Cavite.
The researchers gathered the data in some Poultry raisers of the eight (8) municipalities and city in Upland Cavite (Alfonso, Amadeo, Carmona, Mendez, Magallanes, Maragondon, General Aguinaldo and Tagaytay). The researchers used survey questionnaires as their research instrument in gathering the data needed in the study.
The researchers found out that most of the poultry raisers are male, single, and belongs to early adult. Also, most of them have attained elementary level of education. The average family size of poultry raisers is four to six members.
The entire hypotheses made by the researchers were all accepted because there is no significant relationship among the demographic profile and problems encountered; demographic profile and adaptation measures; and lastly, problems encountered and adaptation measures.

Climate change

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