Coronel, Lhe Brian Zander C.

The effect of fermented guso (Eucheuma conttonii) as organic liquid fertilizer on the growth of green ice loose leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa) / Lhe Brian Zander C. Coronel. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2018. - xiv, 94p. col. : ill. ; 28 cm. illustrations ; cm.

Research Study (Science High School) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Education (CED) Department of Science High School College of Education (CED) Department of Science High School

CORONEL, LHE BRIAN ZANDER C. MORTEL., JOSHUA S., and PARENAS, JELERRICK A. The effect of fermented guso (Eucheuma cottonii) as organic liquid fertilizer on the growth of green ice loose leaf lettuce (Lactusa sativa) Research Study. General Science Curriculum. Science High School, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. May 2018. Adviser: Dr. Guillermo P. Desenganio.
The study “The Effect of Fermented Guso (Eucheuma cottonii) as Organic Liquid Fertilizwer on the Growth of Green Ice Loose Leaf Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) was conducted at Zackys’ Farm. Pangil, Amadeo. Cavite from February to May 2018. The objectives of the study were to: (1) determine the growth characteristics of lettuce treated with the Guso fertilizer in terms of height and weight-, and (2) determine if there is a significant difference in the growth of lettuce treated with Guso fertilizer and commercial fertilizer in terms of height and weight.
The study used six (6) kilograms of guso seaweed and was sliced into one centimeter size before mixing with three kilograms of molasses. It was placed in a container and left for two weeks for fermentation. After the fermentation process, the filtrate was collected by filtering the mixture and the filtrate obtained was placed inside a clean container and diluted to one liter of water per one tablespoon of fermented guso and presented for future uses. Urea liquid fertilizer was used as treatment Urea (46-0-0) was dissolved in water in the ration of one liter of water per one table spoon of urea fertilizer, The fertilizers were applied once a week with a total of three applications. On the last 15 days of data gathering, the fertilizer did not applied to the plant since it had no effect at all,
The result of the study showed that there is a significant different between the growth response of lettuce treated with guso liquid fertilizer to urea fertilizer. Interms of height, the lettuces treated guso liquid fertilizer had given better results than the lettuces treated with urea fertilizer. And in terms of weight, the lettuces treated with guso liquid fertilizer were heavier than the lettuces treated with urea fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers.

631.86 / C81 2018