Marino, Kenneth E.

Development of touch panel based advanced home automation system using Zigbee / by Kenneth E. Marino and John Ryan R. Mojica. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2018. - xviii, 119 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Design Project (Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Electronics Technology) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Engineering, and Information Technology (CEIT) College of Engineering, and Information Technology (CEIT)

MARINO KENNETH E. and M0JICA .101IN RYAN It Development of touch-panel Based Advanced Home Automation System using ZigBee. Undergraduate Design Project. Bachelor of 'Industrial Technology major in Electronics. Cavite Stale University, Indang, Cavite. May 2018. Adviser: Ms. Ma. Fatima B. Zuniga.
The study was conducted from January 2018 to April 2018 at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology (DIET), Cavite State University, Indang Cavite to Develop of touch panel based advanced home automation system using ZigBee. these studies also help to achieve a next Generation I tome Automation. This touch panel-based advanced home automation is a wireless Control system that commands the appliances either ON/OFF because of this research is very easy to control any appliances in our home or school like projectors, TV and computers in one touch in the touch panel at the DIET Electronics Laboratory. Specifically, it aimed to design the touch panel-based advanced home automation system using ZigBee; construct the touch panel-based advanced home automation system using ZigBee; test the designed project; and evaluate the designed project. Plug in the AC outlet to display the ON in the TFT shield, it will show the features of the automation system like ON/OFF button for the appliances. Touch the ON button for the preferred appliances and the signal will transfer to microcontroller unit, and the microcontroller unit transmit the data to Zigbee transmitter, and the Zigbee transmitter send the signal thru wireless in the Zigbee receiver, When the Zigbee receiver get the data, it will be sent out to microcontroller unit. The microcontroller unit will control the relay based on the appliances that wanted to operate in the TFT shield.
After the evaluation conducted in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology by the Industrial Technology students and instructors. The overall computed mean based on the result of the evaluation garnered a 4•8 with a descriptive rating of outstanding. This result shows that the project is highly acceptable by the different evaluators meeting quality expectation.

Home automation.

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