Raymundo, Roberto M.

Survey of insects associated with some component crops of selected SAKA modules / by Roberto M. Raymundo. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 1993. - xvi, 136p. : ill. ; 28 cm. illustrations ; cm.

Thesis (BSA - - Crop Protection) Don Severino Agricultural College.

Includes bibliographical references.

RAYMUNDO, ROBERTO M. “Survey of insects Associated with Some Component Crops of Selected SAKA Modules” Thesis, BSA, Crop Protection, Entomology, Department of Biological Science, School of Arts and Sciences, Don Severino Agricultural College, Indang, Cavite, April 1993.
Adviser: Dr. Josefina Rodil Rint.
A survey was conducted at the three Modules of the Sanayan sa Kakayahang Agikultura (SAKA) from February 1992 to January 1993. This study aimed to collect and identify the different insects associated with the crops under SAKA modules and to determine the seasonal abundance of major insect pests and natural enemies.
The common insects associated with the different crops in SAKA modules were as follows: coconut - Setora nitens, Ferrisia virgata, Aspidiotus destructor, Cerataphis variabilis and Chrysomphalus ficus; Coffee - Coccus viridis, Ferrisia virgata and Toxoptera aurantii; Banana - Erionata thrax and Stephanitis typicus; Guayabano Idioscopus stem borer, Aspidiotus cydoniae, Graphium agamemnom, Homona sD. and Hyposidra sp.; Cacao - Toxoptera aurantii, Ricania, speculum, Aulacophora similis and Homona coffearia; Jack-fruit Araecerus fasciculatus, Idioscopus clypealis, Diaphania caesalis, and Ferrisia virgata; Guapple Aleurodicus despersus, Ferrisia virgata and Dacus dorsalis; Citrus - Eutetranychus cendanai, Phyllocristis citriella, Toxoptera
The trees were mostly attacked by mealybugs, aphids scale insects during dry season but were usually checked by some parasites and predators. There were four natural enemies recorded, namely: Micraspis sp., Chilocorus sp., Novious sp. and Apanteles sp. which were braconid wasps. , The natural enemies were mostly coccinellid beetles. Micrasis sp, preyed upon coffee scale insects and coconut aphids while Chilocorus sp. was observed feeding only on coffee scale insects. Novious sp., on the other hand, fed on citrus aphids. Apanteles sp. parasitized the larvae of banana leaf roller and the gray mealybugs. The jackfruit, guayabano and citrus trees were infested by various pests throughout the year while coconut and coffee were mostly attacked during the dry season. Cacao on the other hand, was only occasionally invaded by pests.
A total of twenty seven (27) diurnal insects were re-corded as pests of the SAKA crops. Eleven belonged to order homoptera, 8 to lepidoptera, 3 to coleoptera and 2 to hymenoptera and one each under hemiptera, diptera. A plant parasitic mite was also noted in the survey.

Multiple cropping
Sanayan sa Kakayahang Agrikultura (SAKA).

631.58 / R21 1993