Mojica, Erminia M.

Demographic profile and level of parents' involvement on the academic achievement of preschoolers at municipal Day Care Centers SY 2205 - 2006 / by Erminia M. Mojica. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2006. - xi, 42 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Thesis (BS Psychology) Cavite State University.

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Arts and Science (CAS) College of Arts and Science (CAS)

MOJICA, ERMINIA MOJICA "Level of Parents' Involvement on the Academic Achievement of Preschoolers at Municipal Day Care Centers SY 2005 —2006". Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Cavite State University. April 2006. Adviser: Imelda R. Filart.
The study aimed to determine the effect of demographic profile of the parents and the level of their involvement on the academic achievement of their children. The descriptive method of research was used in this study. Direct observation, interview and documents on file in the school were also used gather data. A total of 108 parents of preschoolers studying at Municipal Day Care Centers School were the respondents. Generally, the age level of the respondents is 37 years old. Female respondents are dominated male respondents. Most of the parents are housewives. Almost all of the respondents are married with two children. The academic achievement of their children particularly on General Point Average (GPA) of the first two grading periods during the current year is eighty four point thirty percent (84.30%) which denoted as satisfactory.
The results of Level of parents' involvement with the value mean of 4.27 denoted as very high. This mean that all aspects in terms of academic, moral and behavioral, nutritional, financial and materials are very highly involves the parents. The results of spearman rank tests showed that the computed correlation coefficients of 0.089 were less than the level of significance of 0.361. This would mean that the alternative hypothesis that the level of parents' involvement affects the academic achievement of their children is rejected. The results may be attributed to the academic achievement of their children were children got a higher grade. Since almost of the parents are housewives, parents can give time to the needs of their children inside and outside the school. The age of parents with the correlation coefficient value of — 0.077 with the level of significance at 0.430 does not effect their involvement. Same as the computed demographic profile of the respondents in terms of occupation (0.235); gender (0.057) and civil status (0.843) with the critical value of 1.96 showed that the alternative hypothesis that there is significance difference between demographic profile in terms of occupation, gender and civil status and to their involvement shows that the demographic profile of parents in terms of occupation, gender and civil status has no significant effect with their involvement. Most of the parents are female and served as housewives they can give their full time to help their children in the academic endeavour of their children. While the number of children with the correlation coefficient value of — 0.207 with the level of significance at 0.031 shows that number of children affect their involvement. Having one or two siblings are much better so they can give their full attention with the needs of their children. Most of the respondents were females with the age of 37 years old, married and housekeepers. Most of the preschools achieved 84 percent which were rated as satisfactory. Parents are highly involved in terms of nutritional and behavioral aspects. Generally the respondents were highly involved in all aspects of level of their involvement but parents needed to give more emphasis on the financial and moral aspects to improve the grades of their children.

Attitudes (Psychology)

152.4 / M72 2006