Balitaan, Sherwin

Wayside cafe / by Sherwin Balitaan, Farida Macud and Ivy B. Bago. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2002. - xx, 44 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Enterprise Development Project (B.S.B.M.--Marketing) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies (CEMDS) College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies (CEMDS)

BALITAAN, SHERWIN D., MACUD, FARIDA O., BAGO, IVY B. Wayside Café. An enterprise Development Project. Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in Marketing. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. April 2002. Adviser: Mrs. Marilou P. Garcia.

A study was conducted primarily to: 1) describe the marketing strategies of Wayside Café; 2) determine the profitability of operating a restaurant; 3) identify the problems encountered in the operation of restaurant; and 4) formulate feasible solutions to identify problems.

An entrepreneurial development project was conducted at the 394 Anabu II-A, Imus, Cavite from October 2001 February 2002.

The enterprise had an initial investment of P45,000.00. The said capital was used in procuring supplies and equipment, purchasing of raw materials and financing the operating expenses of the project. The project was operated as an enterprise covering the organization, production and financial areas of management.

The project was done daily except holidays and Sundays. The needed raw materials such as meat, vegetables, spices and other ingredients were procured from Imus Public Market. Foods were prepared as early as 5 A.M. Food preparation started with snacks in the morning, followed with rice and varied dishes for lunch. The dishes prepared were menudo, adobo and other Filipino dishes. During lunch time, the cook prepared afternoon snacks.

The enterprise offered daily snacks and lunch. Foods were priced on a per serving basis. Rice was sold at P5.00 per cup, viands at P5.00 per cup, viands at P25.00 per serving, vegetables at P15.00 and snacks at P15.00 to P20.00. All transactions were
on cash basis only.

The business realized a total sales of P69,739.00 for the four and one-half month of operation. The highest sales was obtained in the 1* and 2" week due to the increase in the customer demand. The lowest sales was obtained in the 14 week and the last week of operation due to the holidays and special occasions.

A net loss of P1,476.54 and a return on investment (ROI) of -3.28 percent were obtained after a four and one-half month operation.

The project had fixed assets turnover and total assets turnover of 6.42 and 4.5 times, respectively, which indicate the ability of the business to generate sales relative to assets.

The major problems encountered by Wayside Café were lack of experiences tin managing a business and increasing prices of raw materials. To solve these problems, the owners implemented marketing strategies and add promotions to attract more customers. Moreover, other suppliers who sold raw materials at relatively cheaper prices were resorted to.

The success of this project will enable the students to establish similar enterprise. The project also provided training in the actual management of the business. The different management theories and principles were applied and practiced and business strategies relevant to the food business were developed. Thus, the experience gave them competitive advantage should they wish to be employed after graduation. Likewise, the value of teamwork and mutual interest to work together and to succeed in a business venture were realized. Moreover, the value of hard work and determination learned from this entrepreneurial project already served as a stable form of human investment which can be caused in the future employment.

Entrepreneurial management

658.421 / B19 2002