Ligoy, Dulce V.

Snap beans production using nitro plus / by Dulce V. Ligoy. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 1998. - 29 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Farm practice report (B.S.A.--Horticulture) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources (CAFENR) College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources (CAFENR)

SALAZAR, ANABELL PEGENIA, Laboratory School , School of Education, Don Severino Agricultural College, Indang Cavite, "Effect of Trichoderma harzianum on Root—knot Nematodes on Tomato Plant I l
This study was conducted at the DSAC ResearchCenter, Indang, Cavite from December 1992 to March 1993 to determine the effect of Trichoderma harzianum on the growth of root—knot nematodes on tomato plant.
Tomato seedlings were planted 4 pots divided into five treatments wit-h three replications.
Inoculation of root—knot nematodes was done one week. after planting, each pots receiving about 100 larvae of nematodes.
The revealed that application Trichoderma gave significant results in the height, rootweight, and top weight of the plant. Significant results were Iikewise obtained on the percentage galling of roots.
In these four measurements of the effectivity of Trichoderma again s t nematodes Treatment 5 (70% Trichoderma-treated compost + sterile soil ) gave the best results obtained the highest plant, lowest percentage galling of roots and therefore, producing the lightest weight of the plant. On the other hand, Treatment 2 ( 40% Trichoderma - treated compost + s sterile soil ) gave the highest mean in the plant weight.
These results confirmed the effectivity of the fungi against the pathogen

Snap beans

635.65 / L62 1998