Commercial laws of the Philippines / compiled and edited by Ernesto C. Salao. - Fourth edition 2019 - Manila, Philippines : REX Book Store, c2019 - lxviii, 847 pages ; 16 cm

Book One: Merchants and commerce in general -- Book Two: Special commercial contracts -- Book Three: Maritime commerce -- The Negotiable Instruments Law: Act No. 2031
-- Bills of Exchange -- The Warehouse Receipts Law: Act No. 2137 -- Bonded Warehouse Act: Act No. 3893 -- Trust Receipts Law: P.D. No. 115 -- Documents of Title: Articles 1507-1520, Civil Code -- The Insolvency Law: Act No. 1956, as amended -- The Bulk Sales Law: Act No. 3952, as amended -- The Chattel Mortgage Law: Act No. 1508, as amended -- The Public Service Law: Commonwealth Act No. 146, as amended -- Common Carriers: Arts. 1732-1766, Civil Code -- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act: Public Act No. 521 -- Warsaw Convention -- The Salvage Law: Act No. 2616 -- The Ship Mortgage Decree of 1978: Presidential Decree No. 1521 -- Act allowing foreign vessels to transport and co-load for domestic transshipment: Republic Act no. 10668
Public telecommunications act of the Philippines: Republic act no. 7925
Intellectual property code of the Philippines: Republic Act No. 8293 as amended up to Republic Act No. 10372 -- The Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009: Republic Act No. 10055 -- Balik Scientist Act: Republic Act No. 11035 -- Optical Media Act of 2003: Republic Act No. 9239 -- Electronic Commerce Act: Republic Act No. 8792 -- Data Privacy Act of 2012: Republic Act No. 10173 -- Access Devices Regulation Act of 1998: Republic Act No. 8484 -- Philippine Competition Act: Republic Act No. 10667 -- Personal Property Security Act: Republic Act No. 11057.

9786210400113 (hardback)

Commercial law--Philippines

KPM856 / C73 2019 v.1