Bosyi, Dmytro

Computing and optimization for DC power systems of electric transport / by Dmytro Bosyi, Oleh Sablin & Yevhen Kosariev. - London ; New Jersey : World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd, 2020 - 1 online resource (xxxiii, 221, pages) : color illustrations. is required to read this e-book.

1. Introduction -- 2.Origin of calculation difficulties in traction power supply system -- 3. Method based on the continuous representation of the traction network -- 4. Computer-aided calculations of indexes of the traction power supply system -- 5. Optimization of power supply system operating modes -- 6. Conclusions

In the modern world, further development of society is impossible without environmentally friendly modes of transport and their effective interaction within the framework of Smart Energy and ECO-driving concepts. Written at a time of rapid development of information technologies in various fields, this book serves as a kind of bridge for the introduction of artificial intelligence into the electric transport power supply systems. The calculation models and methods proposed make it possible to choose the most efficient modern equipment for electric power supply of electric vehicles, which, as a result, saves investment costs and reduces time to make decisions for designing complex objects. Insight is also given into building and adjusting Smart Energy class equipment to achieve optimal and economical modes.

9781786347718 (e-book)

Electric railroads--Power supply
Electric power systems--Control--Data processing
Electric power transmission--Direct current

TF863 / B65 2020