Air pollution, climate and health / edited by Stephanya Lynn JonasLabee. - Oakville : Delve Publishing, 2022 - 1 online resource (248, pages) : color illustrations. is required to read this e-book.

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. What is air pollution? -- 2. What is climate? -- 3. Health of people -- 4. Types of air pollution -- 5. Human and environmental health impacts of criteria air pollutants -- 6. Solutions to air pollution --
7. Effects of climate on health -- 8. Solutions to climate change -- 9. Adaption to the impacts of climate change -- 10. How the EPA is working with states and communities to limit air pollution and climate change?

This book gives an overview of the sources and types of air pollution and discusses its effects on the climate and the health of people and the environment. Chapter one begins by discussing the different types of air pollution and how they are categorized. The difference between primary and secondary air pollutants is explained, as well as how each of these types impact the environment. It concludes by going over some of the methods that are being used or considered to reduce the emissions and impact on these different types of air pollution. Chapter two follows with an examination of how air pollution interacts with the climate. It discusses the different types of climates found around the world and how they are classified using different systems. The impact of climate change is explored, including an analysis of which vulnerable populations are expected to be at higher risk from its effects. Chapter three explores what it is to be considered healthy and what factors contribute to this. Different health issues are discussed, separated by which are most common among different age groups. The discussion then turns back to air pollution in chapters four and five, going into more detail about the main types of pollutants. Where the air pollutants come from, what areas of the world experience them at greater volumes, and how they effect human health is explored. Chapter six explores existing policies aimed at reducing air pollution, identifies which organizations are involved in these efforts, and ponders new ways of moving towards a cleaner air system. Different air pollution monitoring systems are also discussed, which are essential when deciding how to effectively reduce the worst contributors to air pollution. Chapter seven returns to the discussion of the effects of climate change on health, exploring the negative effects a hotter climate will have on health, air quality, mental health, food security, disease prevalence, and the ocean. Chapter eight discusses some ways to combat climate change, from personal actions, to changing land management, exploring alternative energy sources, and even considering geoengineering. Chapter nine recognizes that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change, and so looks at some of the ways to mitigate and adapt to the negative effects. Finally, chapter ten asks how the Environmental Protection Agency is helping to combat air pollution and climate change. Their research projects, relationships with individual states, and how they interact with community members are covered and related back to fighting climate change as a community.

9781774691083 (e-book)

Air pollution
Air pollution health aspects
Climatic changes effect of human beings on

QC903 / Ai7 2022