Sta. Maria, Melencio S. Jr.

Persons and family relations law / Melencio S. Sta. Maria, Jr. - Eighth edition 2022. - Manila : Rex Book Store, c2022. - xliv, 1061 pages ; 23 cm

Effect and Application of Laws -- Human Relations -- Title 1.- Civil Personality -- General Provisions --
Natural Persons -- Juridical Persons -- Title ll.- Citizenship and Domicile -- Title 1. Marriage -- Requisites of Marriage -- Marriages Exempts From License Requirement -- Void and Voidable Marriages -- Title 2. Legal Separation -- Title 3. Rights and Obligations Between Husband and Wife -- Title 4. Property Relations Between Husband and Wife -- General Provision -- Donations by Reason of Marriage -- System Absolute Community -- Conjugal Partnership of Gains -- Separations of Property of the Spouse and Administration of Common Property By One Spouse During the Marriage -- Regime of Separation of Property -- Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage -- Title 5. The Family -- The Family as an Institution -- The Family Home -- Title 6. Paternity and Filiation -- Legitimate Children -- Proof of Filiation -- Illegitimate Children
-- Legitimated Children -- Title VII. Adoption -- Simulated Birth Rectification Act -- Foster Care Act of 2012
Inter-Country Adoption -- Title VIII-Parental Authority -- General Provisions -- Substitute and Special Parental Authority -- Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Persons of Children -- Effect of Parental Authority Upon The Property of the Children -- Suspension or Termination of Parental Authority -- Title 9. Emancipation and Age of Majority -- Title 10. Summary Judicial Proceeding in the Family -- Scope Application -- Separation in fact between Husband and Wife -- Incidents Involving Parental Authority
-- Other Subject to Summary -- Title 12. Final Provisions -- Family Court -- Civil Code of the Philippines --
Title 12. Care and Education of Children -- Title 13. Use of Usernames -- Title 14. Absence -- Provisional in Case of Absence -- Declaration of Absence -- Administration of Property of the Absence -- Presumption of Death -- Effect of Absence upon the Contingent Rights of the Absentee.

9786210445602 (hardbound)

Domestic relations--Philippines.
Persons (Law)--Philippines.

KPM511 / St2 2022