Jain, Surbhi

The role of human resource management in organizational success / by Surbhi Jain - Burlington, Canada : Society Publishing, 2023 - 1 online resource (251, pages) : color illustrations.

https://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/ is required to read this e-book.

Includes bibliographical references and index

1. Introduction to human resource management -- 2. Policies and systems of human resource management -- 3. Consequences and effects of human resource management -- 4. Understanding and appreciating human resources --
5. Key concerns of human resource management -- 6. Integration of human resource management -- 7. Modern human resource management in focus -- 8. The future of human resource management -- 9. Concluding remarks

Human resource management is often led and controlled by a range of systems and policies that can emanate within and outside the organization. No organization can survive without the support of human resource managers. Through meticulous consistency and professionalism, the human resources department can protect the organization from predatory employees that may be looking to exploit legal loopholes to extract unmerited compensation from the organization for the flimsiest of reasons. This book will explore various conceptualizations of human resource management. The book is aimed at those who are generally interested in working people and their experiences in the workplace. However, the book is useful for undergraduates in a range of management courses.

9781774696903 (e-book)

Employment management
Personnel management

HF5549 / J19 2023