Crucena, Angelique E.

Demographic profile, learning difficulty and parental bond of high school students of Daine Western Cavite Institute, Daine, Indang, Cavite / by Angelique E. Crucena. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2008. - xii, 63 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Thesis (BS Psychology) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Arts and Science (CAS) College of Arts and Science (CAS)

CRUCENA, ANGELIQUE, Demographic Profile, Learning Difficulty and Parental Bond of the High School Students of Daine Western Cavite Institute, Daine, Indang, Cavite, and their Implications to Academic Performance, Undergraduate Thesis. Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, April 2008. Adviser: Teresa Q. Amarille
This study was conducted to find out the relationship of learning difficulty and parental bond of the high school students of Daine Western Cavite Institute, Indang, Cavite.
It also aimed to: (a) determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of : age, gender, year level and birth order; (b) determine the level of learning difficulty of the respondents; (c) determine the level of parental bond of the respondents; (d) determine the academic performance of the respondents based on their GPA SY 2006 — 2007; (e) determine the significant relationship of the profile to the learning difficulty and parental bond of the respondents; (f) determine the significant relationship between learning difficulty and parental bond of the respondents and; (g) determine the significant relationship of demographic profile, learning difficulty and parental bond to their academic performance. This study was conducted from November 2007 to January 2008, which focused mainly on the learning difficulty and parental bond of the respondents of high school students of Daine Western Cavite Institute, SY 2007 — 2008. The study involved ninety six (96) respondents who answered Learning Difficulty Test and Parental Bond Test applicable to the two variables.
The results showed that majority of the respondents are male while the thirteen (13) and sixteen (16) years old students comprised 50 percent of the population. The result shows that the levels of learning difficulty of respondents are satisfactory and majority of the respondents have high level of parental bond. The study, likewise, revealed that the respondents' profile is not significantly related to their learning difficulty and parental bond. It was also revealed that there is no significant relationship between learning difficulty and parental bond of the respondents. The study further revealed that learning difficulty is significantly related to the respondent's academic performance.

Learning, Psychology of
Education, Comparative

153.15 / C88 2008