Juanillo, Sheena Mae B.

Credit accessibility of micro scale retail businesses on financial institutions in selected towns of Cavite / by Sheena Mae B. Juanillo. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2013. - vi, 63 pages : illustration; 28 cm.

Thesis ( BS Business Management--Financial Management) Cavite State University.

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies (CEMDS) College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies (CEMDS)

JUANILLO, SHEELA B. Credit Accessibility of Micro-scale Retail Businesses on Financial Institutions in Selected Towns of Cavite. Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in Financial Management. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. March, 2013, Adviser: Prof. Ludivinia F. Victorino.

The study was conducted to determine the credit accessibility of micro-scale retail businesses on financial institutions. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the socio- demographic characteristics of the owners of micro-scale retail business, the business characteristics of micro-scale retail businesses, the types of credit intended or applicable to micro-scale retail businesses, the credit requirements of financial institutions, the credit policies of financial institutions, and if there is a fit in the qualification of micro-scale retail businesses to the credit requirements and credit policies of financial institutions.

A total of 100 micro-scale retail businesses and ten financial institutions were selected and interviewed with the use of purposive sampling. Data were collected from November 2012 to January 2013. Mean, frequency count, range and percentage were used to present the objectives of the study.

Finding of the study showed that the majority of the owners of micro-scale retail businesses were female and the mean age was 45 years. Also, majority had sole proprietorship of ownership, the number of years in operation ranged from 1-30 years and more than half keep financial statements. Annual net income of the micro-scale retail businesses ranged from PhP10,000.00 to PhP 1 ,063,053.00.

Financial institutions offer two types of credit to micro-scale retail businesses, individual loan and group loan. The credit requirements for individual loan and group
loans commonly includes business permit, barangay clearance, birth certificate, ID pictures, valid ID’s, proof of billing, application form, financial statements and disclosure statement. Then, the credit policies for individual loan and group loan were commonly includes members must be into micro-business, borrowers were eligible for loan starting to PhP5,000 to PhP200,000, loans were payable for four months to one year at eighteen percent to thirty percent interest rates, loan requires a co-maker or guarantor, loan is backed by collateral and group loan requires ten to fifteen members in a group.

The age, sex, financial statements and net income were the basic qualifications of micro-scale retail businesses found to be the basis for the fitness of its qualification to the credit requirements and credit policies of financial institutions.

Credit bureaus
Credit institutions

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