Alano, Mydel P.

Demographic profile, job satisfaction and work values of faculty members in selected campuses of Cavite State University / by Mydel P. Alano. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University-Main Campus, 2007. - xi, 51 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

BS Psychology

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

MYDEL P. ALANO, Demographic Profile, Job Satisfaction and Work Values of
Faculty Members in Selected Campuses of Cavite State University. Descriptive Study.
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. April 2007.
Adviser: Renato T. Agadalpen
This study was conducted to find out the relationship of demographic profile, job
satisfaction and work values of faculty members in selected campuses of Cavite State
University. The study aimed to: 1) determine the demographic profile of the respondents;(2)
.determine if the respondents are satisfied with their job; (3) determine the work values of the
respondents; (4) determine the relation between job satisfaction level and work values of the
respondents; (5) determine the effect of demographic profile of the respondents to their level of
job satisfaction and work values. The study used the descriptive correlation method to find out if
there is a significant relationship between demographic profile, job satisfaction and work values
of the respondents. The study have 90 respondents from the selected campuses of Cavite State
University. The adapted questionnaire by Garcia (2006) and Matunan (1998) was developed
and validated to use in this study. Result revealed that the null hypothesis was accepted that
means there is no significant relation between job satisfaction and work values and there is no
significant effect of the demographic profile of the respondents to their job satisfaction and work
values except the years of service of the respondents.

Attitude (Psychology)
Job satisfaction

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