Guzman, Estaquio B.

Improvised screw driven non-cast mechanical press machine / by Estaquio B. Guzman. - Marikina, Metro Manila : Marikina Institute of Science and Technology, 1984. - xii, 99 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Thesis (Master of Technician Education--Machine Shop Technology) Marikina Institute of Science and Technology

Includes bibliographical references.

This study has enhanced the designing and constructing of a very indispensable equipment in the shop. This is the screw driven non~cast mechanical press which is surely intended for instructional purposes in machine shop class to accelerate the acquisition of manipulative skills related information in presswork operation, The development of this gadget would lessen the importation of the commercial press because it could be made locally in the shop'e so

Specifically, this study sought to design, construct, test, and revise a screw driven non~cast mechanical press for instructional purposes particularly for the technician: students’, It is one way of enriching the Diploma in Tnduse: trial Technician. curriculum and make its implementation more - meaningful and functional to technician students, Moreover, it is designed to effectively cope with the problem of press— work operation at ‘the Nueva Vizcaya State Polytechnic College. 7 The findings of this study show that the machine could perform similar operations as. the electrically operated mechanical press machine, .It could be constructed by machine shop teachers in schools with basic machineries such as lathe machine, shaper machine, milling machine, welding machine and drill press machines It is economic to maintain and economical to produce, The production cost amounted to 9,267.60 which was very low compared with the cost of the commercially made mechanical press machine.

The results of this study further reveal that the machine is effective in presswork because it is.provided with a square double thread, The mechanism of this machine is so simple that it could be made ‘y technician students,

The materials needed are locally available, It is highly recommended that a further study be undertaken for the improvement of this machines. Vocational administrators should encourage their teachers to develop their own instructional gadgets, and not to depend on dole-outs. Vocational schools with the basic machineries mentioned in this study could use this study and its design and constructing their’ own workable model of mechanical press machine

A study should be undertaken to determine the feasibility of mass producing this improvised machine.

An important aspect of this feasibility study is market-ability. Are there any assured buyer of this machine?

The tack equipment in most technical schools post out to the fact that marketability is feasible, This study is economic on the part of the college for the following reasons: first, economical, in terms of operation and maintenance since the spindle is run mechanically with a screw thread and lever}; second, the production of the machine serves as instructional materials fo: the technical and DIT machine shop students; third, the end product is an additional material for the course especially: fortune secondary; and fourth, the production cost is. Very much lower than buying another machine, With the existing materials and industrial machineries of the Nueva Vizcaya State Polytechnic College, its curricular offering, and its manpower, there is no .n7 reason why this simple mechanical press cannot be made, Parts can be fabricated from cold rolled steel which could © be heat treated to resist wear tear when the machine is already given a load.

This machine) although it is considered elementary, 4s not exclusively for secondary used,. It is also intended for small job shop industries.

Machine tools

621.9 / G99 1984