Luttrell, Regina

Social media : how to engage, share, and connect / by Regina Luttrell - Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022 - 1 online resource (642, pages) : color illustrations. is required to read this e-book.

Includes bibliographical references and index

I. The advancement of an industry -- 1. The four quadrants of public relations -- 2. The evolution of social media -- 3. Status: “it’s complicated --II. Strategic planning : public relations and social media
4. The road map to success : developing a social media plan -- 5 Contemporary media relations -- 6. Content creation and curation -- 7. Visual content on the social sphere -- 8. Social media channels --
9: “Sticky” social media --10. Measuring social media’s impact and value -- III. Strategic management : public relations and social media --11. Social media ethics -- 12. Crisis management on the social Sphere --13. Rules of engagement --14. The future of PR and social media

Updated to reflect the latest technological innovations and challenges, the fourth edition of Social Media: How to Engage, Share, and Connect helps students understand and successfully use today’s social media tools as PR professionals and personal users.

Regina (Gina) Luttrell presents a thorough history of social media and pioneers of the field within chapters on specific subjects such as content-sharing, crisis communication, ethics, “sticky” social media, and strategic campaigns. This book will become your go-to reference guide for all things social media-related as it applies to public relations and the everyday duties of PR professionals.

Features of the fourth edition include:

Chapter objectives and learning outcomes
Social Media Expert profiles
Theory into Practice boxes
#LRNSMPR (Learn Social Media and Public Relations) boxes
Comprehensive glossary of terms
Coverage of additional social media channels (including Clubhouse and TikTok) and visual content in the social sphere

9781538154410 (e-book)

Online social networks
Social media
Public relations

HM742 / L97 2022