Amurao, Sheena May S.

Efficacy of selected botanical pesticides against housefly (Musca domestica L.) infecting poultry / by Sheena May S. Amurao, Karen C. Cahayon, Diana Marie B. Pastor. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2006. - xvi, 89 pages: illustrations ; 28 cm.

Research Study (Applied Research IV - - General Science Curriculum) Cavite State University.

Includes bibliographical references.

Science High School, College of Education (CED) Science High School, College of Education (CED)

AMURAO, SHEENA MAE S., CAJAYON, KAREN C., PASTOR, DIANA MARIE B. “Efficacy of Selected Botanical Pesticides Against Flies (Musca domestica L) Infesting Poultry” Applied Research III, (General Science Curriculum). Science High School, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, April 2006. Adviser: Dr. Teddy F. Tepora

A study entitled “Efficacy of Selected Botanical Pesticides Against Flies (Musca domestica L.) Infesting Poultry” was conducted at the Crop Protection Laboratory of the Research Center and at the Animal Production Project, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, from March 2005 to December 2005. Specifically, this study aimed to: (a) evaluate the effect of different botanical pesticides in the oviposition preference of housefly; (b) evaluate the insecticidal properties of selected botanicals against housefly maggots; and (c) determine the concentration of the most effective botanical insecticide in controlling housefly maggots; and (d) produce an insecticide that is more affordable than commercial ones.

There were three experiments in the study, namely: Oviposition Test, Toxicity Test and Dilution Test. In the first and second experiments, there were four treatments, each replicated three times. The different treatments were as follows: Tj- control (Cymbush), T2 (pure Chrysanthemum extract), T; (pure Alagaw extract), and T, (pure Psychic Nut extract). In the last experiment, there were five treatments, each replicated three times. The different treatments were as follows: T, (10% Chrysanthemum extract + 90% distilled water), T2 (20% Chrysanthemum extract + 80% distilled water), T; (30% Chrysanthemum extract + 70% distilled water), Ts (40% Chrysanthemum extract + 60% distilled water), Ts (50% Chrysanthemum extract + 50% distilled water).

In the first experiment (Oviposition Test), it was observed that Chrysanthemum was the most effective botanical used. Chrysanthemum has pyrethrins as its natural defense against insects. This might be the reason why Chrysanthemum is effective.

In the second experiment, results showed that among the botanicals used, Chrysanthemum was the most effective. Chrysanthemum has toxic substance called pyrethrin, which was proven many years ago and can be used as an insecticide. This might be the reason why Chrysanthemum is effective.

Results of dilution test reveals that Treatment 5 (50% Chrysanthemum extract + 50% distilled water) was the most effective among the concentrations tested. This may be due to the fact that the concentration with the highest amount of Chrysanthemum extract has also the highest pyrethrin content.


632.95 / Am9 2006