Relationship between sweet potato population density and weevil infestation /

Mardo, Susan N.

Relationship between sweet potato population density and weevil infestation / by Susan N. Mardo. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University - Main Campus, 1983. - 30 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Special Problem (BS Agriculture Major in Agronomy) Don Severino Agricultural College.

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources (CAFENR) College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources (CAFENR)

The study, "Relationship Between Sweet Potato Population Density and weevil Infestation" was conducted at the Experimental Field of the Don Severino Agricultural College, Indang, Cavite from August to December 19820 aimed to find out the response of sweet potato to plant population density in relation to weevil infestation.
The entire area was plowed and harrowed to loosen the soil for better aeration. The field was divided into four blocks to represent the replications and each block was sub—divided into four equal plots for the treatments using a Randomized Complete Block Design.
The different treatments that were used are as follows :50,000, 25,000, 16,066 and 12,500 cuttings per hec tare.
Based on the result of this study, plants in Treat ment | (20 x 100 cm.) produced the highest number of lar—vae per plant and the greatest percentage damage of tubers per treatment. Likewise, Treatment 1 , obtained the lowest weight of marketable tuber per plant 0 This is due to the increase in percentage damage made by weevil on the tubers, However, the computed yield per hactare shows that the closer the distance of planting in sweet potato, a conside rable increase in yield may be obtained. This implies that this is due to the increase in number of cuttings per hectare.

Sweet potatoes
Sweet potato weevil

633.492 / M33 1983
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