Clonal propagation of Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauver) Reichb. F. and some selected Phalaenopsis hybrids using floral buds and floral stalk bud cuttings in vitro /

Sienes, Alicia G.

Clonal propagation of Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauver) Reichb. F. and some selected Phalaenopsis hybrids using floral buds and floral stalk bud cuttings in vitro / Alicia G. Sienes - Los Ba�os, Laguna, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 1980. - 124p. : ill. ; 28 cm. illustrations ; cm.

Thesis (M.S. - - Horticulture) University of the Philippines, College, Laguna.

Includes bibliographical references.

SIENES, ALICIA G, University of the Philippines at Los Bafios, August 1980. Clonal Propagation of Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauver) Reichb. £. and Some Selected Phalaenopsis Hybrids Using Floral and Floral Stalk Bud Cuttings in Vitro. Major Professor: Dr. Helen L. Valmayor

The study was undertaken to (1) investigate the most expedient means of cloning Phalaenopsis equestris and some Phalaenopsis hybrids in vitro; (2) determine which basic media and growth regulator supplements would best Support the growth of Phalaenopsis explants; (3) develop a technique for vegetative propagation of Phalaenopsis Species and hybrids: and (4) become familiar with the finer points of orchid tissue culture.

An inflorescence tip from Phalaenopsis equestris Produced 12 to 15 plantlets after 4 to 5 months when cultured in Vacin and Went medium Supplemented with 5 ppm NAA, 5 ppm Ki and 15% CW. Maintenance of the cultures in darkness and modification of the excision technique minimized phenolic oxidation in the cultures.

Similarly, excision of apical bud meristem activated basal bud initials which continued to develop into plantlets (ca. 10 to 12 plantlets/ meristem) after 4 to 5 months culture in the same medium as those used for the inflorescence tip.

Plant propagation.

631.53 / Si1 1980
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