Pollinators of three species of coffee /

Samson, Charlene M.

Pollinators of three species of coffee / by Charlene M. Samson. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2003. - vii, 45p. : ill. ; 28 cm. illustrations ; cm.

Thesis (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Crop Protection) Cavite State University.

Includes bibliographical references.

Samson, Charlene M. Pollinators of Three Species of Coffee. Undergraduate Thesis. Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture major in Crop Protection-Entomology. Cavite State University, Indang,
Cavite. April, 2003. Adviser: Dr. Evelyn O. Singson.
The study was conducted at the Crop Protection Laboratory, Department of Crop Sciences,
CAFENR and at the Coffee Plantation of Cavite State University (CvSU) from April to October
2002. It aimed to determine the most abundant pollinators of the three coffee species: Coffea
robusta, Coffea excelsa, and Coffea Liberica, to determine the foraging activity of the pollinators
of each coffee species, and to relate the floral characteristics of the three coffee species with
the morphological features of their most abundant pollinators.
The major pollinators of the three coffee species were: Apis cerana, Apis dorsata, Apis
mellifera, Bombus sp. and Trigoma sp. Apis cerana was the most abundant pollinator of Coffea
excelsa and Coffea Liberica followed by Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, and Bombus sp. On the
other hand, Trigona sp. was the most abundant pollinator of Coffea robusta followed by Apis
cerana, Apis mellifera, and Bombus sp.
Apis cerana were active in the morning with peak from 0530h to 0630h in both Coffea excelsa,
and Coffea Liberica, and from 0730h to 0930h in Coffea robusta. Bombus sp was the first to
pollinate the three species of coffee immediately after anthesis. This was also observed with
Apis dorsata, which prefer Coffea Liberica and Coffea excelsa but not Coffea robusta.
The floral traits of Coffea Liberica such as wide floral diameter, and shallow and corolla with
long pistil are adaptive for pollinating activities of Apis cerana which possesses shorter
proboscis and smaller body size. The medium diameter and depth of corolla, longer stamen,
and fewer number of stamen and petals of Coffea excelsa is also preffered by Apis cerana. The
narrow diameter and depth of corolla, short stamen and greater number of stamen and petals of
Coffea robusta are suitable for the short proboscis, small size and sparse pubescence of
Trigona sp.


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