Improved management practices in mongo production as applied in Trece Martires City /

Mojica, Nerissa R.

Improved management practices in mongo production as applied in Trece Martires City / Nerissa R. Mojica. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 1986. - 10p. : ill. ; 28 cm. illustrations ; cm.

Farm practice report (B.S.A.--Agronomy) Don Severino Agricultural College

Includes bibliographical references.

This farm practice training was conducted at Cabuco, Trece Martires City from August to November 1985. It aimed to apply the technical. knowledge gained in on the new cultural. practices.

The farmer-cooperator was provided with six gantas of mongo seeds amounting to P300.00, ome bag of complete fertilizer costing P280.00 and one bottle of Malathion amounting to P150.00. An amount of P1,310.00 was spent for labor. The total amount spent for mongo production was P2,040.00

During the conduct of the project, a package of technology on mongo production was disseminated and employed. These included the following cultural practices: proper land preparation, use of high yielding variety of insecticides proper timing in harvesting and proper post harvest handling of mongo seeds. Out of six gantas of mongo seeds planted, 80 gantas were obtained « After subtracting the total.
xpenses from the total return, a net income of P1,160.00 was realized.


635.65 / M72 1986
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