Production of organically bush snap beans in polyethylene bags /

Hernandez, Redencion B.

Production of organically bush snap beans in polyethylene bags / by Redencion B. Hernandez. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2000. - 29p. illustrations ; cm.

Farm practice report (B.S.A.--Horticultre) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

HERNANDEZ, REDENCION BAGO. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. March 2000. “Production of Organically Grown Bush Snap Beans in Polyethylene Bags.” Adviser: Dr. Adolfo C. Manuel, Jr.

A farm practice project entitled “Production of Organically Grown Bush Snap Beans in Polyethylene Bags” was conducted at Lumampong Balagbag, Indang, Cavite, from November 1999 to January 2000. The project aimed to improve the student’s skills in producing organically grown bush snap beans using polyethylene bags as growing containers and to demonstrate the profitability of growing bush snap beans in polyethylene bags using organic fertilizer.

Seeds of snap beans (Blue Lake 1) were planted in 400 black polyethylene bags filled with growing media composed of equal parts of garden soil and compost. The pods were harvested 47 days after planting.

A total of 103 kg of green pods was harvested. Marketable pods were sold for P40.00/kg in the Indang Public Market.

The project’s total income was P4,000.00 and after deducting the total expenses 353.72 was obtained. Return on Investment amounting to P 2,646.28, a net income of Pl, n of 51.16 percent was realized.

Bush snap beans

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