Buying time for climate action : exploring ways around stumbling blocks /

Vasbinder, Jan Wouter

Buying time for climate action : exploring ways around stumbling blocks / editors ; Jan Wouter Vasbinder and Jonathan Y H Sim. - Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Company, 2022 - 1 online resource (222, pages) : color illustrations. is required to read this e-book.

1. Introduction -- 2. A kaleidoscopic wealth of approaches -- I. Presentations -- 3. Existential risks -- 4. Food systems and their sustainability : buying time -- 5. Fisheries and climate change -- 6. What are emerging infections diseases? -- 7. Climate-induced managed retreat, a multifaceted action plan -- 8. Finance as barrier to addressing systemic climate change -- 9. Resilient water management -- Interlude
-- II. Exploring ways around stumbling blocks --13. Introduction to section 2 --14. Decarbonization --15. The financial conundrum --16. Wildlife management, fish and meat. What worked and what did not
--17. Let a thousand flowers bloom --18. Conversion or alignment -- 19. Incentives --20. Politicization --21. Useful models in fishery, conditions for change -- 22. Priorities for change, who/what is going to change the system? --23. How people make decisions — role of experts -- 24. Unblocking blockages, levers and priorities, a limited inventory -- 25. If you could, what single thing would you change? --
26. Do we need a real crisis? --27. Issues where we could realistically hope to make a difference --28. Agency and Transformative Action; back away from pessimism -- 29. Leadership — How do we become more visionary? -- 30. History and agency -- 31. Financing prevention and long-term planning -- 32. Vested Interest — absent political will/nerve -- 33. Linking bottom-up and top-down to catalyze action --
34. The case of managed retreat

The 2021 IPCC report made one thing crystal clear — global climate change is here to stay. Time is up. We need to act or climate change will lead to inconceivable suffering by billions of people.

Buying Time for Climate Action is the combined narrative of world class experts, all committed to help humanity survive its largely self-induced destructive course. Changing that course requires urgent action. Determining which actions will lead to helpful change requires insights into the stumbling blocks that always emerge when actions aimed at change are planned, resulting in lost time. The experts who contributed to this volume, through their expertise, networks, wisdom and creativity, have largely concluded that the way to cope with the stumbling blocks is to avoid them by focusing on grassroots initiatives. Their narratives and discussions, presented in this book, highlight such thinking.

The book is essential reading for anyone committed to help avoid an existential disaster for humanity, and ready to move plans into effective action.

9789811249181 (e-book)

Climate change
Climatic changes

QC903 / B89 B98 2022
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