Persons and family relations /

Rabuya, Elmer T.

Persons and family relations / Elmer T. Rabuya. - Revised 2021 edition - Manila, Philippines : Rex Book Store, c2021. - xxxviii, 1449 pages ; 24 cm

THE CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 386, AS AMENDED) PRELIMINARY TITLE -- Chapter 1: Effect and Application of Laws -- Chapter 2: Human Relations -- Book I PERSONS -- Title I: CIVIL PERSONALITY -- CHAPTER 1: General Provisions -- CHAPTER 2: Natural Persons -- CHAPTER 3: Juridical Persons -- Title II: CITIZENSHIP AND DOMICILE
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 209 THE FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES -- Title I: MARRIAGE -- CHAPTER 1: Requisites of Marriage -- CHAPTER 2: Marriages Exempt from the License Requirement -- CHAPTER 3: Void and Voidable Marriages -- Title II: LEGAL SEPARATION -- Title III: RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE -- Title IV: PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE -- CHAPTER 1: General Provisions -- CHAPTER 2: Donations by Reason of Marriage -- CHAPTER 3: System of Absolute Community --
CHAPTER 4: Conjugal Partnership of Gains -- CHAPTER 5: Separation of Property of the Spouses and Administration of Common Property by One Spouse During the Marriage --
CHAPTER 6: Regime of Separation of Property -- CHAPTER 7: Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage -- Title V: THE FAMILY -- CHAPTER 1: The Family as an Institution --CHAPTER 2: The Family Home -- TITLE VI: PATERNITY AND FILIATION -- CHAPTER 1: Legitimate Children -- CHAPTER 2: Proof of Filiation -- CHAPTER 3: Illegitimate Children --
CHAPTER 4: Legitimated Children -- Title VII: ADOPTION -- DOMESTIC ADOPTION -- INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION -- Title VIII: SUPPORT -- Title IX: PARENTAL AUTHORITY -- CHAPTER 1: General Provisions -- CHAPTER 2: Substitute and Special Parental Authority -- CHAPTER 3: Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Persons of the Children -- CHAPTER 4: Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Property of the Children -- CHAPTER 5: Suspension or Termination of Parental Authority -- Title X: EMANCIPATION AND AGE OF MAJORITY --
Title XI: SUMMARY JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS IN THE FAMILY LAW -- CHAPTER 1: Scope of Application -- CHAPTER 2: Separation in Fact Between Husband and Wife -- CHAPTER 3: Incidents Involving Parental Authority -- CHAPTER 4: Other Matters Subject to Summary Proceedings -- CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES -- Title X: FUNERALS -- Title XII: CARE AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN -- Title XIII: USE OF SURNAMES -- Title XIV: ABSENCE -- CHAPTER 1: Provisional Measures in Case of Absence -- CHAPTER 2: Declaration of Absence --
CHAPTER 3: Administration of the Property of the Absentee -- CHAPTER 4: Presumption of Death -- CHAPTER 5: Effect of Absence Upon the Contingent Rights of the Absentee -- TITLE XVI: CIVIL REGISTER.

9786210424720 (hardback)

Persons (Law)--Philippines
Domestic relations--Philippines

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