Farmacia Botanica : the CALABARZON Research and Development Institute for Medicinal Plants and Center for Traditional Medicine /

Audal, Marc Zhyrro M.

Farmacia Botanica : the CALABARZON Research and Development Institute for Medicinal Plants and Center for Traditional Medicine / by Marc Zhyrro M. Audal and Bea Marie A. Francisco. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2022. - xv, 205 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Thesis (Bachelor of Science in Architecture) Cavite State University.

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT), Department of Architecture College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT), Department of Architecture

AUDAL, MARC ZHYRRO M., and FRANCISCO, BEA MARIE A. FARMACIA BOTANICA: The CALABARZON Research and Development Institute of Medicinal Plants and Center for Traditional Medicine. Undergraduate Thesis. Bachelor of Science in Architecture. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. Adviser: Ar. Christian Oliver Agripa.

The authors conducted the study from September 2021 to June 2022 in Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna with a goal of establishing an effective and efficient design for the Calabarzon Research and Development Institute of Medicinal Plant and Center for Traditional Medicine. The general objectives of the study are: (1) gather important and necessary information using Architectural Research Methods; (2) evaluate the applicable laws and codes that govern the proposal by establishing site criterial; (3) conduct site selection to determine the best possible location for the proposal; (4) determine the necessary spaces and facilities for the proposal; (5) determine the best design concept, form concept, design philosophy, and design considerations for the site's planning and development; (6) create architectural presentation drawings of proposed facilities such as site development plans, floor plans, sections, elevations, and perspectives; and (7) create a walkthrough presentation for a more effective exhibition of proposal. The researchers used a process methodology to create a good project approach. They conducted profile analysis and data collection using interviews, architectural programming, site analysis, ocular site visits, macro and micro analyses which created and established a criteria, selection, and justification for selecting a site that is most suitable for the proposal.

Architectural design--Traditional medicine
Architectural design--Alternative medicine
Architecture--Designs and plans--Traditional medicine
Architecture--Designs and plans--Alternative medicine
Traditional medicine--Architectural design
Alternative medicine--Architectural design

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