Basics of plant sciences /

Chaudhary, Khushboo

Basics of plant sciences / by Khushboo Chaudhary, Pankaj Kumar Saraswat and Aniruddh Kumar Pareek - Burlington, Canada : Delve Publishing, 2023 - 1 online resource (296, pages) : color illustrations. is required to read this e-book.

Includes index

Part I. Introductory plant pathology -- 1. Definition and importance of plant pathology -- 2. Classification of plant diseases according to cause and occurrence -- 3. Plant pathogens -- Part II. Principles of plant breeding -- 4. Plant breeding-history, objectives and scope -- 5. Mode of reproduction in crop plants in relation to breeding techniques -- 6. Plant variation kind and causes -- 7. Genetic consequences of self- and cross-pollinated crops -- 8. Plant exploration
-- 9. Breeding methods for self-cross and asexually propagated crops -- 10. Male sterility and its importance and polyploidy and mutation breeding -- Part III. Plant biochemistry -- 11. Mineral nutrition in plants, role, and deficiency symptoms --12. Phytohormones - occurrence, and functions of important plant growth substances viz. auxins, gibberellins, cytokinin and abscisic acid -- 13. Alkaloids - occurrence, classification, uses, general properties and biological significance of alkaloids -- Part IV. Environmental science and agroecology -- 14. Ecology - definition, division and significance -- 15. Environment- environmental management and control of pollution, affecting plant growth abiotic and biotic factors and their interaction -- 16. Eco-system major ecosystems, energy and its flow in ecosystem biochemical cycles and nutrient cycles -- 17. Plant community - classification composition, and study of plant community structure
-- 18. Plant adoption - ecological classification of plants and their morphological anatomical and physiological adaptations to adverse environments -- Part V. Vegetable production -- 19. Importance and scope of vegetable production in India -- 20. Classification of vegetables -- 21. Vegetable gardens -- 22. Culture and seed production of major vegetables like potato, brinjal, chillies, tomato, cauliflower, gabbage, onion, bottle gourd, muskmelon, watermelon, okra, radish, carrot, pea and leafy vegetables. protected cultivation of vegetables -- Part VI. Biostatistics and computers -- 23. Graphic and diagrammatic representations. classification and tabulation. measures of central tendency and dispersion --
24. Introduction to probability, and distribution, sampling theory and errors, skewness and kurtosis -- 25. Tests of significance. Z, T-student, chi- square and f-test -- 26. Analysis of variance and correlation and regression

Plants are fundamental to all life on Earth. They provide us with food, fuel, fiber, industrial feedstocks, and medicines. Plant science is essential to maintaining the world around us. The topics covered are inclusive but not limited to plant breeding, mode of reproduction in crop plants, plant variation, genetic consequences of self and cross-pollinated crops, male sterility, polyploidy and mutation breeding. The aim of this book is to give a sequential knowledge of plant pathology, plant breeding, plant biochemistry, environmental science and agro-ecology, vegetable production and biostatistics and computers in this book

9781774695630 (e-book)


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