Response of mungo to cultivation at different stages of growth /

Gatdula, Adelaida T.

Response of mungo to cultivation at different stages of growth / by Adelaida T. Gatdula. - Indang, Cavite, Cavite State University- Main Campus, 1978. - 27p. illustrations ; cm.

Special Problem (BSA--Agronomy) Don Severino Agricultural College

Includes bibliographical references.

The study on response of mungo to cultivation at dif erent stages or growth was conducted at Kaytambog Indang, Cavite from August 1977 to November 1977. The study mainly aimed to determine the response of mungo to cultivation at different stages of growth. A 552 square-meter lot was prepared thoroughly ith the use of ordinary farm implements. The entire lot was divided into four blocks which represented the replications. Each block was further subdivided into rive plots. There were Your treatments and a control which were distributed at random (See Figure 1) in the different plots or the blocks. Planting of Cebu variety or mungo was done on August 7 1977 after the basal application or fertili zer. The rate or seeding was 3 to 4 per hill at a distance of 30 centimeters apart Twenty five days after planting, occurrence or aphids was observed. Sevin was sprayed to control the insect pests Harvesting was done on November or 82 days after planting The result of the study showed that mungo cultivated on the fourth week gave the best


635.65 / G22 1978
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