Tacos station /

Culanding, Mary Joyce P.

Tacos station / by Mary Joyce P. Culanding, Nerrika O. Diosomito and Hershey P. Lansangan. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2015. - xvi, 77 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Enterprise Development Project ( BS Business Management--Human Resources Development ) Cavite State University

Includes bibliographical references.

College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies (CEMDS) College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies (CEMDS)

CULANDING, MARY JOYCE P., DIOSOMITO, NERIKKA O., LANSANGAN, HERSHEY P., Tacos Station. Enterprise Development Project. Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in Human Resource Development Management. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. October 2014. Adviser: Prof. Maria Corazon A. Buena.

A three-month enterprise development project (EDP) was conducted at the CEMDS EDP Center, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. The entrepreneurs deposited P30, 000.00 as the initial capital of the enterprise and operated from June 16, 2014 to September 12, 2014. The project was established by three student-entrepreners and applied the knowledge and skills they have learned and gained from their business management subjects in the actual business operation. Specifically, the enterprise aimed to describe the operation and strategies of the business, determine its profitability, and identify the encountered problems in the operation of the business and recommend probable solutions to the problems.

This is a partnership type of project. During the conduct of the EDP, the entrepreneurs were able to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in business operation. They also gained experiences in the various aspects of enterprise development such as customer relations, decision making and implementation of business strategies.

Through actual operations and observations, data and other relevant information
pertaining to entrepreneurial project were collected.

The project was engaged in innovating the weil-known Mexican food — taco. The products offered were taco, tacone, taco rice, taco chips, onion rings and fruit shake.

Target market particularly the students patronized the products, not only for its uniqueness but because of its taste.

Also, the entrepreneurs used cost-based pricing strategy. Different strategies were done in selling the products. Many of the customers availed the promotion techniques that were used since the target market was attracted on it.

The entrepreneurs were able to recover the initial capital on its third week of operation. For three months of operation, the enterprise achieved total sales of P246,338.00 and generated a net profit of P 79, 376.56.

Tacos station

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