Digital readiness of Public Junior High School teachers in District VIII of Schools division of Parañaque in the integration of Google's G suite for education: basis for digital training design /

Lavarias, Cristine J.

Digital readiness of Public Junior High School teachers in District VIII of Schools division of Parañaque in the integration of Google's G suite for education: basis for digital training design / by Cristine J. Lavarias. - Indang, Cavite : Cavite State University- Main Campus, 2019. - xii, 113 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Master Thesis (Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management) Cavite State University.

Includes bibliographical references.

Teacher Education Department Teacher Education Department

LAVARIAS, CRISTINE J. Digital Readiness of Public Junior High school Teachers
in District VIN of Schools Division of Paraiaque in the Integration of Google's G Suite
for Education: Basis for Digital Training Design. Master's Thesis. Master of Arts in
Education major in Education Management. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite.
December 2019. Adviser: Dr. Myleen P. Legaspi.
This study aimed to assess the level of digital readiness of teachers in the integration
of Google's G Suite for Education. Furthermore, it recommended a training design in the level
of digital readiness.
Specifically, this research aimed to: (l) determine the demographic profile of teachers
includes the age, sex, marital status, educational attainment, field of specialization number of
years in teaching, and number of hours of related training; (2) determine the level of digital
readiness of the teacher-participants in the following applications namely: Gmail, Google
Calendar, Google Drive, Google docs, Google sheets, Google slides, Google forms, Google
sites, Google hangouts and Classroom; (3) determine the difference on the level of digital
readiness in the integration of Google's G Suite for Education when grouped according to
demographic profile; (4) determine the digital training design appropriate in the level of digital
readiness of teachers in the integration of Google Suite for Education.
The rescarch design used was descriptive correlationai research. The research
instrument used was a two-part survey questionnaire: Part I was the socio-demographic profile
and part 2 was a researcher-made questionnaire for digital readiness validated by three experts
in the field . The participants of the study were the 250 teacher-participants of two public junior
high schools in Parafiaque City. Statistical measures used were frequency Percentage, mean
and standard deviation, and Mann Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis One
Way Anova.
The results of the study revealed that the participants in two public junior high schools
in District VIII of Schools Division of Paraöaque were mostly composed of females within the
young age bracket of 35 years and below. They were mostly married and holds a bachelor's
degree in science. Majority of the participants had 10 and below years of teaching experience
but low number of hours of related training.

In terms of the level of digital readiness in the integration of Google's G Suite for
Education, the overall result showed that the majority of the participants were confidently
ready which means that they have high levels of tech ownership as well as confidence in their
online skills and abilities to find åustworthy information. But they are less familiar with online
learning tenns in using online tools for learning.
As to frequency and percentage, majority of the participants were confidently ready in
G Suite for Education applications such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google
docs, Google sheets, Google slides, Google forms, and Hangouts. However, participants
assessed themselves as somewhat confidently ready in applications like Google Sites and
Classroom which means that they are active learners, but not very keen on using technology to
pursue their learning. They generally need help with getting new devices to work and they have
worries about whether they can trust information online.
Based on the statistical analysis, the following independent variables were significantly
related to the level Of digital readiness in the integration of Google's G Suite for Education: age,
marital status, educational attainment, field of specialization, years of teaching experience and
number Of hours of related training. Conversely, independent variable that shows no
significance with level of digital readiness is sex.
Furthermore, a digital training design was constructed as a result of the evaluated digital
competencies in the integration of Google's G Suite for Education.

Distance education
Online social networks
Social media

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